ChatBox Help
Sending a Tip in the Chat Box:
To Set your price, click the link below the chat box, 'Set Price'.
A minimum of $2 to a max of $100 in the chat box. These are set by the Creator of each profile. Amounts will vary.
If you are having issues sending an attachment. Refresh the page. Be sure to send all attachments a text message within the chat box and set the requested amount according to your account Set Fee.
All attachments are transferred to and from with end-to-end encryption. End-to-end encryption
ensures that user communication remains private and secure, preventing intercepting messages. This upholds message integrity and data confidentiality. Encryption uses an algorithm to convert the original message, called plaintext, into a scrambled form, called a cipher. The encryption algorithm converts the plaintext, making it unintelligible appearing as random, meaningless data to any party.